Investor Relation
- Financial Information
- Governance
- Corporate Announcements
- Shareholder Information
- Investor Contact
- Disclosure under Regulation 46 of SEBI LODR
- Public Offer Documents
Financial Results
- Newspaper Publication (15-11-2024)
- UFR Q2 - (2023-24)
- Investor Presentation Q2 - (2023-24)
- Newspaper Publication - (11-11-2023)
- UFR Q3 - (2023-24)
- Newspaper Publication - (11-02-2024)
- Investor Presentation Q3 - (2023-24)
- Audited Financial Results for the Quarter & Year ended - (31-03-2024)
- Investor Presentation Q4 - (2023-24)
- UFR Q2 (2024-25)
- Investor Presentation Q2 (2024-25)
- Newspaper Publication - (23-05-2024)
- Investor Presentation Q1 - (2024-25)
- UFR Q1 - (2024-25)
- Newspaper Publication - (17-08-2024)
Code of Conduct & Policies
- Board Diversity
- Code of Conduct for Board and SMP
- Code of Conduct for PIT
- Code of Fair Disclosure of UPSI
- CSR Policy
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Nomination and Remuneration Policy
- Policy for Determination of Materiality for Disclosure
- Policy on Familiarisation Program
- Policy for Material Subsidiary
- Policy on RPT
- Policy for Vigil Mechanism
- Terms & Conditions of Appointment of ID
- Website Content Archival Policy
- Cyber Security Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy
General Meetings
- Voting results of Postal Ballot
- Newspaper Publication of postal ballot notice
- Disclosure of postal ballot notice
- Voting results of Annual General Meeting (02-08-2024)
- Proceeding of Annual General Meeting (02-08-2024)
- Newspaper Publication of Notice of Annual General Meeting
- Disclosure of Notice of Annual General Meeting
- Disclosure under reg. 44 - EGM
- Proceeding of Extraordinary General Meeting (08-07-2024)
- Newspaper Publication of Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
- Disclosure of Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Board Meetings
- Intimation - Resignation of Independent Director
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (09-02-2024)
- Intimation of Board Meeting - (09-02-2024)
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (09-11-2023)
- Intimation of Board Meeting - (09-11-2023)
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (13-11-2024)
- Intimation of Board Meeting - (13-11-2024)
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (14-08-2024)
- Intimation of Board Meeting - (14-08-2024)
- Outcome of adjourned Board Meeting - (26-06-2024)
- Outcome of adjourned Board Meeting - (11-06-2024)
- Intimation of adjoured Board Meeting (11-06-2024)
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (06-06-2024)
- Outcome of Board Meeting - (21-05-2024)
- Intimation of Board Meeting - (21-05-2024)
Stock Exchange Intimation
- Intimation under Regulation 30
- Intimation of joining of CEO of the Company
- Intimation - Resignation of Independent Director
- Disclosure – Regulation 30(5)
- Monitoring Agency Report (30-09-2024)
- Trading Window Closure - (26-10-2023)
- Trading Window Closure - (01-01-2024)
- Resignation of Independent Director
- Intimation Under Regulation 30 (LODR) - Signing of MoU
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - (31-12-2023)
- Certificate under Reg 74(5) - (31-12-2023)
- Intimation of Change in CIN
- Intimation regarding Commencement of LCNG Station N&T GA, Tamil Nadu
- Statement of Deviation/Variation - (31-12-2023)
- Monitoring Agency Report - (31-12-2023)
- Intimation- Revision in Credit Rating - (20-02-2024)
- Trading Window Closure - (01-04-2024)
- Compliance Certificate under Reg 7 - (31-03-2024)
- Certificate under Reg 74(5) - (31-03-2024)
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - (31-03-2024)
- Certificate Under Reg 40(9) & 40(10) of SEBI LODR
- Monitoring Agency Report - (31-03-2024)
- Intimation - Appointment of CEO
- Statement of deviation/variation (30-09-2024)
- Clarification to NSE - Spurt in Volume
- Clarification to BSE - Spurt in Volume
- Change in Senior Management
- Update on Credit Rating - (17-05-2024)
- Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI Listing Regulations
- Statement of deviation/variation - (31-03-2024)
- Intimation - Change in SMP
- Intimation - Change in Director
- Annual Secretarial Compliance Report - (31-03-2024)
- Intimation - Resignation of Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
- Intimation - Change in SMP
- Intimation under Regulation 30
- Trading Window Closure - (01-07-2024)
- Intimation of Record Date for Dividend
- Intimation under Regulation 30
- Intimation - Resignation of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Certificate under Reg 74(5) - (30-06-2024)
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - (30-06-2024)
- Disclosure in the matter of Requisitioned EGM
- Intimation - Cessation of Directors
- Intimation - Amendment in Article of Association
- Statement of deviation/variation - (30-06-2024)
- Monitoring Agency Report - (30-06-2024)
- Intimation Under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR - (28-08-2024)
- Intimation for schedule of Analysts/Investors Meeting
- Intimation – Appointment of Compliance Officer
- Certificate under Reg. 74(5) - (30-09-2024)
- Intimation - Appointment of Independent Director
- Intimation - Resignation of Independent Director
- Intimation - Appointment of Directors and KMP's
Mr. Harshal Anjaria
IRM Energy Limited
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 079490 31500
Mr. Akshit Soni
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
IRM Energy Limited
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 079490 31500
- Details of Business
- Terms and conditions of appointment of Independent Directors
- Composition of various committees of Board of Directors
- Code of conduct of Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel
- Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy
- Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors, if the same has not been disclosed in Annual Report – Not Applicable
- Policy on dealing with related party transactions
- Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries
- Familiarization Programmes imparted to Independent Directors
- E-mail address for grievance redressal and other relevant details
- Contact information of the designated officials of the company who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances
- Notice of meeting of the Board of Directors where financial results shall be discussed
- Financial Results
- Annual Report
- Shareholding pattern
- Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates, etc. – Not Applicable
- New name and old name of Company for continuous period of one year – Not Applicable
- Newspaper advertisement as per Regulation 47(1)
- Credit ratings
- Audited financial statements of subsidiary company
- Secretarial Compliance Report
- Policy for determination of materiality of events or information
- Disclosure under Regulation 30(8)
- Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s) and Monitoring Agency Report
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Annual Return
Material Documents
- Memorandum and Article of Association
- Certificate of Incorporation Dated - (01-12-2015 & 23-03-2022)
- Board Resolutions Authorizing the Issue & Other Matters
- Shareholders Resolution to approval the issue & Other Matters
- Board and IPO Committee Resolution to Approve DRHP
- Board Resolution to Approve RHP
- Board Resolution to Approve Prospectus
- Board Resolution to Approve the Commission to Maheswar Sahu
- Shareholders Resolution Dated - (16-11-2022) to approve the Commission to Maheswar Sahu
- Shareholders Resolution Dated - (31-07-2023) to approve the Commission to Maheswar Sahu
- Annual Report - (2022-23)
- Annual Report - (2021-22)
- Annual Report - (2020-21)
- Examination Report on Restated Financial Dated - (19-09-2023)
- Consent from Directors and BRLMS
- Consent from Intermediaries
- Consents from Other Parties
- Consent from Mukesh M Shah - Statutory Auditor
- Consent from Vanita Niranjan Thakkar - Chartered Engineer
- Company Operation and Shareholders Agreement among IRMEL, FGPL, ERPL
- Company Operation and Shareholders Agreement IRMEL, Promoter of NHCPL and NHCPL
- Company Operation and Shareholders Agreement IRMEL, VPPL & Mauktika
- Share Subscription Agreement and amendments - IRMEL and Shizuoka Gas Co
- Share Subscription Agreement and amendment - IRMEL and Shizuoka Gas Co
- COS Agreement and amendments - IRMEL, CPL, IRM Trust, EDMPL
- License Agreement and amendments - IRMEL & IRM Trust
- EV Agreement among IRMEL & Mindra EV Pvt Ltd
- Agreement for Sale of Captive Solar Plant among IRMEL & Zodiac
- Capital Expenditure Report and Consent from MECON Limited
- Quotation by Venuka Polymers Pvt Ltd for MDPE Pipes Supply
- Valuation Reports of Associate Companies
- Certificate on KPI from Statutory Auditor Dated - (21-10-2023)
- CRISIL Report Dated - (13-09-2023)
- Consent from CRISIL Limited
- Engagement Letter - CRISIL Limited
- Tripartite Agreement NSDL
- Tripartite Agreement CDSL
- Due Diligence Certificate from BRLM to SEBI - (14-12-2022)
- In-principle by BSE - (27-01-2023)
- In-principle by NSE - (30-01-2023)
- SEBI Interim Observation - (22-12-2022)
- SEBI Final Observation - (21-02-2023)