Call Emergency Helpline no.
before you dig to avoid any accidents. Digging or running heavy equipment can damage gas lines. Even minor excavations can damage gas pipelines and can cause fire.

Why is it important?
- If you don’t have plans or maps showing the location of underground infrastructure, you may inadvertently cut trunk cables or dig up and damage other underground conduit or cable. Even minor excavations can damage gas pipelines and can cause fire. This may cut off essential services to homes and businesses until the cable is repaired by the owner of the asset.
- If you caused the damage, you are likely to be liable for its repair and the cost can be significant. Having accurate information on the location of underground assets can help you avoid a potentially dangerous and expensive mistake.
- It is very important to determine the exact location of natural gas pipeline for safety purposes.
- If you find any third-party digging work in progress nearby PNG pipeline coming to your premises, always inform IRMEL Emergency Number 1800-891-1310. Do not call local plumber or mechanic.